System of Heavy Duty Vehicle

At present, under the circumstance that the large-scale development of fuel cell commercial vehicles and the cost reduction path of hydrogen have been established, and the expected reduction in fuel cell costs remains unchanged, the future of fuel cell commercial vehicles is promising. In the global carbon neutralization trend, the deep decarbonization in the transportation field becomes critical. Fuel cell vehicles are the development trend of global power electrification, and are "non-carbon" in heavy trucks, ships, aircraft and other scenarios.

Passenger railcars powered by Taidrogen™ are zero-emission railcars that emit low noise and emit only steam and water. It is unique in that it combines different innovative elements: clean energy conversion, flexible battery storage and intelligent management of traction power and available energy. It is designed for operation on non-electrified lines, enabling clean, sustainable train operation while ensuring a high level of performance.
